Saturday, March 10, 2007

Feeling a little Sisyphean

Everytime we leave the house at night we have six more things to finish. EVERY NIGHT! That means these details are replicating.

I know that we will never be "Finished" (with a capital F) but it would be nice to be finished.

Progress was made on the landscape front (and back). We met with Scott Calhoun from Zona Gardens (and also a neighbor) who will be doing the design. We read his book, A Yard Full of Sun and attended a reading he did awhile back, so were pretty sure of our choice. Meeting him only made us more sure of our decision. Our first priority will be to get a wall on the south side and then we will work on the other elements over time.

Back to pushing that rock...

Oh no!

My SiteMeter isn't working. How disappointing! Part of the fun of keeping this blog is checking the stats. I've had visitors from Australia, Bulgaria, Russia, Morocco, Korea, South Africa, Portugal-quite the geography refresher course. Anyway it feels lonely not seeing those numbers increase.

I checked the SiteMeter weblog and they are indeed having problems-...upgraded server...working to correct...aware of data being lost... yadda, yadda, yadda.

Hope the problem is solved soon, they're killing my stats!