My plans for updating have fallen short already! Mostly because I started a Master's program and nothing really exciting has happened building wise. However that is changing. I will have pictures of progress soon!
Later that same day...
Stopped by the site to see the progress the plumber had made and take some pictures. Even though it may look very similar to the previous pictures, there's a huge difference--especially in the bank account! It does look great to see the black pipe sticking up and gives me a better idea of rooms and where things will be located. It still looks very small as there are no points of reference but I know from experience that perspective changes as the walls go up.

Building is such a frustrating experience because so much of it depends on others. Others over whom you have little or no control. We thought we had a plumber lined up and after playing phone tag for 7-10 days gave up on him and asked for some referrals. Troy came highly recommended and so far has been on time and has done what he said he would. That is worth a lot here in So. Arizona. I like to believe that things happen for a reason.
Today we met our neighbor to the north. What fun she is and I think we will thoroughly enjoy being neighbors with her and her husband. That's always a relief, 'cause once you sink money into something and put all those hopes and dreams into it, it's a bitch to find out your neighbor is a bitch! Our neighbors on the south are also a great family and fun to be around. We've met the male of the couple building on the east of us and he's also very nice. Because of the spacing of the houses being able to be "neighborly" is so important.
Building Stage: Now it's on to the slab.(well first there's a pesky inspection, then on to the slab) Once that's done it starts to seem real, that there just might be a house happening. Speaking of happenings, we will be having a bale-raising, around the first of April-at least that's my goal.
Until next time, keep your straw dry!
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